Shoplifting statistics are shocking. There are approximately 28 million shoplifters in the United States. In the last five years more than 14 million people were caught shoplifting. Shoplifters cost retailers over $19 billion annually in terms of lost sales. And these statistics increase each year.
Most, if not all shoplifters, including first timers, scan (look around) the area until they decide it is safe to shoplift. The shoplifter “purposely conceals” upon their person merchandise that is to be shoplifted. And this is done with the intent to steal.
The Shoplifting Inventory (SI) is typically used when deciding between levels of supervision alternatives (probation or jail), diversion programs and counseling or treatment options. Consequently the Shoplifting Inventory (SI) is available to court referred evaluators, psychologists, probation officers, diversion programs, corrections staff, shoplifting treatment programs and mental health professionals.
This website is devoted to the Shoplifting Inventory (SI). The SI is discussed, its unique features are explained, cost is clarified, an example report is presented and research is presented.
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